How to shop for your First Home

1. Consider the neighborhood your home will be located or built in. The number one thing you need to consider are the crime rate, the schools, the market, the hospitals. Is the plot too isolated? Can emergency services find you quickly if needed and other important things.

2. Consider all interest rates and all prices associated. If you will get it financed, you need to consider the overall price for the home you’re getting and the interest rate on the home. It is recommended that you try to get the lowest interest rate possible and try to seek the shortest loan term that you can to pay-off the loan.

3. Consider all other prices associated with buying your new home. When purchasing a new home there are usually more expenses involved than the actual cost of the home and interest associated. Other things associated with buying a house include but are not limited to: the cost of utilities and association dues are just a few costs. It is recommended that you incorporate these costs to your budget, because surely you don’t want to be broke after buying your house and paying for all the extras.